Thursday 13 October 2016

What your craving says about your body ...

Cravings are not fun as they are the reason for weight gain and un-heallthy eating.

I did a little googling and this is what i found out about craving.
This is so interesting!!

Our bodies are telling us we are lacking certain vitamins and because we relate our cravings to moods and emotions, our bodies are not getting satisfied and this is why we binge eat. Yes I am guilty of this and I have decided to make the change. My cravings are getting in line and I have so much more energy.
Here are the cravings that I  have substituted in my every day.
CHOCOLATE - this is a lack of magnesium , chronium, vitamin B and essential fatty acids- You can get curb this craving with 75% cocoa! Yes this is a bitter chocolate, but you just need a few pieces to be satisfied, or make some dark cocoa milk and sip your worried away.
BREAD - you are lacking fiber, magnesium and chromium- all you got to do this munch on a banana or two. Freeze a banana and add it to a fruit smoothie.
COCA COLA - this is a calcium deficiency -  stock up on milk and oranges. This a simple substitution as milk can be added to cereal, cocoa, milkshakes and you can cook with it. Oranges works well alone, in a smoothie and a alternated to coffee in the morning as well.
MEAT - you are lacking iron my friend, which means you are tired and have not energy, so do not delay and snack on some lentils and beans which is also high in fiber, helping with regular toilet time! Beans and lentils and be boiled, fried and even added to salads, wraps and stir fries .

I simply added a salad to my everyday meal and this way I get most of my cravings out of the way. This means I snack less and I even feel fuller for longer, thanks to the fiber in my salads.

If you like to know more, leave a comment below!!!

Thank you for your time

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